This is a completely unbiased record of how Mazaramus The Red laid claim to his island.
By Mazaramus The Red
Step 1 Actually Getting There.
After coming to the realisation that the sea lords of Minrothad had no idea where this island was, the first thing that came to mind was how am I supposed to make a home there if I can't find the place! The second thing was that I was standing in front of several powerful mages who may be able to figure out what that blasted green button on the undersea boat did. (We managed to figure out that: white activated the lights ahead, blue activated an lightning field around the ship as protection and red activated a danger sense, green we had no idea.) As it turns out Felspel found that there was a rather powerful illusion covering many controls on the undersea boat (which for simplicity I shall refer to as U-boat), and a large panel that seemed to be the same size as our sea charts. However while he was able to dispel the illusion around the controls none of the wizards could find the purpose of such things apart from the panel for the sea chart. Placing our charts on the panel we were rather surprised when the U-boat decided to absorb our only way to navigate the seas, and then have the panel begin to glow green outlines of the lands shown by those same charts- the same green as that one button we had no idea about: a button that only now began to glow.
Saying our goodbyes and thank yous to Felspel and Tormaq as they left. I turned to the wide(er) array of buttons to press many still hidden behind a smooth wooden panel that refused to show the extra controls on it for more than a moment, and of course I began with the one button I had tried to use before, Pressing the green gem with apprehension. Immediately the hatch slammed shut and sealed itself behind us. The U-boat began descending below the waves, a green dot appearing on our glowing charts in apparently the middle of the ocean according to the charts we placed into the map, but this place was new to any chart we have seen before, and our boat was taking us straight to it. Perhaps it is some kind of homing beacon?
A long and admittedly pleasant journey was greatly enhanced by the massive barrel in the back; Gandi was definitely impressed with the Tun of ale refilling itself at midnight for more drink the next day and we had a hard time as it was trying to make sure he remembered that completely emptying it would destroy its magic and cut off his supply. upon arrival to the green dot on the map (we found that it moved around a central blip that seemed to represent our position on the map) we surfaced to see a large island in front of us, flying up we saw it was about the same size as the island maps we were shown by the Minrothadans. Ahead of us cliffs rose from the sea and what appeared to be broken land ahead torn apart by some force long ago, I considered exploring the island to find a place to land the U-boat but it was at this point I heared Morgans voice in my head yelling "I have no idea how he controls this thing! No, but I don't think that the red flashing is a good sign either!"
At this point I decided it would be good to return to the boat and found that the chart had begun to display a map of the island in great detail and was pulsing red indicating danger only one part of the island was not glowing. I recognised this the danger sense function and found that waves were pulling us towards the cliff face. So I took the boat to the cove indicated by the map and sailed upstream as far as we could. Our path was blocked by a waterfall atop which was a mass of jungle. I moored the U-boat in a small lagoon in the river and made it invisible (Lithanor really does not appreciate the usefulness of that spell) to help prevent anyone from finding it and turned to explore the rest of the island.
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